Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You have the right to remain still!!

All the credits go for Guerrila BI. Nice macro he did. Check the original post at

Before publishing a Report it is good to make all the objects static. This is specially true with the version 9 that the user is allowed to create his own objects and move the original ones.

I was making my little precious this morning when I bumped into the post above. The first thing I though was F#$. I had spent a couple of ours in the making to discover that the work was already done.

Anyway, below goes the code with a little adaptation:


Create a set of button that will enable/disable the move operation for all objects. Perfect for report design then publish.


At the edit module (CTRL+M) paste the code below. It will basically traverse all sheets and all objects to enable/disable move. The commented code is the original code that I did not use. Maybe you will.

' Enable the move resize for all objects on the report.
sub EnableMove

' do the magic
end sub

' Disable the move resize for all objects on the report.
sub DisableMove

' do the magic
end sub

' Set the move properties to all objects
'msVal - Move/Size setting for non-chart objects
'chVal - Copy/Clone setting for non-chart objects
'amVal - Auto Minimize setting for chart objects
'ccVal - Move/Size setting for chart objects
function setMove (msVal, ccVal)
set doc = ActiveDocument

' for all the sheets set the property chosen 
for j = 0 to ActiveDocument.NoOfSheets - 1
set s=ActiveDocument.GetSheet(j)

' for all objects
for i=lbound(objs) to ubound(objs)

' get the object's name and property
set objInt = objs(i)
objID = replace(objInt.GetObjectId,"Document\","")
'msgbox("obj ID " & objID &" has the objType " & objs(i).GetObjectType)
set obj = doc.GetSheetObject(objID)
objProp = obj.GetProperties

' as each object has diferent places for the frame object, treat them differently
select Case objs(i).GetObjectType
Case 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,17,18,19,34,35 'LB,MB,SB,TB,TX,CS,IB,LA
objProp.Layout.Frame.AllowMoveSize = msVal
'objProp.Layout.Frame.AllowCopyClone = ccVal 
Case 5,31 'BU,SO
objProp.Frame.AllowMoveSize = msVal
Case 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,20,21,22,27,28 'CH's
objProp.GraphLayout.Frame.AllowMoveSize = msVal
'objProp.GraphLayout.Frame.AllowCopyClone = ccVal
'objProp.GraphLayout.Frame.AutoMinimize = amVal
Case Else
msgbox("ObjectID: " &objID & " with objectType: " & objs(i).GetObjectType &" couldn't be found, trying LB settings")
objProp.Layout.Frame.AllowMoveSize = msVal
'objProp.Layout.Frame.AllowCopyClone = ccVal
end select
obj.SetProperties objProp
end function

Now create the buttons and call the subs EnableMove and DisableMove. Good thing to let them hidden before publishing.


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