Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Custom Buttons

Custom Buttons
Not a great tip, but it could make things a little more stylish.
Qlikview has a functionality to use custom button design. It is basically a 3 state image that will be the active state, pressed state and the inactive state.

3 state image

Crate the image with the 3 states side by side with the order stated below. Add a button to the sheet, click with the right mouse button and then properties.
Main sheet,  Background select image and below it Combined Image. Select the image and voilĂ .

                                                                             Regular button versus custom button.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Blinking Lights on QlikView


this is the first in this new blog.

Sometimes managers ask for a little more than a static BI. They want a PPT full of animations but with the functionalities of a PPT. I´ve tried a couple of animation tests, but no real success as Qlikview updates the screen only after the macro is run.

This will not change your life, but may help you to improve your report a little:

- when choosing a color for a gauge choose to be a calculated color.
- check the RGB code for the color you want and use the function =RGB(220*vBlink,48*vBlink,52*vBlink) replacing the numbers by the RGB code you have.
- use the edit variable screen (CTRL+ALT+V) and create a variable called vBlink and set it to be =Mod(Second(now()),2)
- there you go. Lights Blinking

- Mod function will return the rest of the division operation by the second function by 2 (in this case)
- By using the Second function, the var is constantly updated and the rest (1 or 0) is passed to the variable
- The RGB function will be (0,0,0) - black or (220,48,52) - the color I wanted.

And that´s the trick